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Meridional Informatica srl
Servizi informatici e telematici
via spinasanta 210 - 90147 Palermo

Tel: +39-091-6911899 Fax: +39-091-6911899 e-mail: vincenza.ferrera@poste.it

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39 3 -
Demand of preventive to Meridional_Informatica_srl
Chek in date: Days Number:
Number of rooms: Number of persons:
Rooms type: 1^ 2^ 3^
Rooms type: 4^ 5^ 6^
Name of client: I.P.=
Mail adress: Zip code: 
Town: Provinz:
Phone: Fax
E-mail Food:
Client's notes:
Demand of preventive to all structures of the Town ...
Informative on the treatment of the personal data to the senses of the Law 675/96 (*)
(*) (With the purpose to receive confirmation writing of the visualized information, to the senses of the art. 4 paragraphs 1 of the D.Lgs 185/99, the partner is kept to stamp or to save on computer support the present page.)